I know that people can get a tax return for purchasing clothes for work and gas for driving to work.. So this makes me wonder if anyone knows of any other tax breaks a fulltime working and fulltime student can get?
Spend some money on the ironmongery keep get a replace doorknob on your mattress room door with a keyed lock on it, and placed on that key around your neck. in case you're no longer allowed to try this for the duration of your mattress room door, evaluate putting it on the closet door to teach that right into a secure. this is how I have been given via my toddlers with my stuff intact inspite of two thieving youthful siblings. Use the X-field privileges as a bartering chip such as your brother.
Depends on how far you want a 20,000 lb Fire truck to push your vehicle or how much damage you want to sustain to your vehicle when we drag fire hose over or through it. Seriously, just stay away. A fire hydrant must be fully accessible and unobstructed.
look up a DIY can crusher. Some wood will do it, preferably with a hard surface (maybe a brick). It will work in a similar way to a walnut crusher. but work on a lever system. Metal would be better