Home > categories > Home Appliances > Ice Makers > The ice maker makes a quick ice! It's protected by high voltage. How will it be resolved?

The ice maker makes a quick ice! It's protected by high voltage. How will it be resolved?

The ice maker makes a quick ice! It's protected by high voltage. How will it be resolved?


Simplicity.. Start again. Look at the low pressure gauge. There are some pressure. It will be gone. The pipe is blocked. If there is no equipment, it is better to do the outside repair.
3, look at the water supply, water supply may be no water will also lead to power failure protection. 4, that is, you use the voltage may be unstable, it will cause power failure protection. 5, if the above situation is resolved, not ice, then contact the factory maintenance inspection immediately!
1, you look at the cooling control switch, whether to open too big or too small, that switch is to regulate the thickness of ice, open too small, not ice, too much open, ice is particularly thick, very long. 2, look at the ice cooler you put in the environment, such as overheating, it will protect the work stopped, it may exhaust the poor, blocking the radiator position will also lead to protection, power failure

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