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The room smells bad. How can I do it? Can the air freshener really remove the odor?

The room smells bad. How can I do it? Can the air freshener really remove the odor?


The role of air freshener, mainly to distribute some aromatic substances, will smell hidden, giving people a fresh air of illusion, not a strict sense of removal of odor.If the room smells bad, first of all make sure exactly what is causing the odor.
Air freshener can help clean the air when it is used. I am the most commonly used is the New Zealand Aqua air freshener fragrance, when freshener can quickly help fresh air purification.
If it is another odor, it should be ventilated, and use a little air freshener, but it can cover the smell and clean the air.
If it is a new house renovation, that odor is likely to come from the decoration materials released formaldehyde and other harmful substances, this is to pay special attention to, because it will cause great harm to the human body. In this case, the use of air freshener is of no use. It can only cover up odors and can not remove harmful substances, nor can it avoid the harm to humans.

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