The steering on my car became very loose today on my way to work. The car doesnt turn abruptly when i turn the steering wheel and it seems like I have to turn the wheel excessively for it to turn slightly. Im glad its the weekend and i dont have to go to work until monday because i know its not safe to be driving it like thatwhat could be wrong with it and about how much am i looking at in repair costs?
This Site Might Help You. RE: The steering on my car is very loose what could be causing it? The steering on my car became very loose today on my way to work. The car doesnt turn abruptly when i turn the steering wheel and it seems like I have to turn the wheel excessively for it to turn slightly. Im glad its the weekend and i dont have to go to work until monday because i know.
Hey Jessica, Do you have any idea how many completely different suspension systems there are on cars these days? Car parts aren't like people parts. We need the year make and model of your car to begin to advise you what to look for as the cause of the looseness. If you have a front wheel drive car it could be one of the four front tie-rod ends, steering rack, steering arms, bad wheel bearing/s or lower ball-joints. It may only be soft tires. Have a four wheel alignment done and they'll catch what ever is wrong. There are actually more adjustments to the rear wheels during ann alignment on a front wheel drive car. If the car is rear wheel driven you have two steering arms, a center link, four tie-rod ends, radius arm, idler arm, two wheel bearings and two ball joints per side. It takes two eyes and testing to see what's loose. No clue what it will cost to fix till some sees what's wrong. There's no such animal as a power-steering motor either.
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