
Thermal Imaging and Ghosts.?

If ghosts are said to give off cold spots, how come when a ghost appears on a thermal imaging device, the area is hot/warm?


You can fill the strike in the door jamb. If the hole in the strike plate that is in the door jamb is filled to the top, level, the latch wont engage.The handle will still feel locked, but a push on the door will open it. You could cut some hard cardboard sheets the size of the hole, use whit glue and stack them up until the hole is filled. Then lock the lock and shut the door. If you filled the hole all the way the door should just push open. Also you can try duct tape to cover the hole, but it would be more noticeable.
I think they want you to write down the quantity of each type of fitting used in the experiment. There are formulae that can determine the flow rate, pressure, etc. based on the type of fittings used in a pipe run. For example, if you have a 45 degree elbow, then a straight, another 45, and finally a 90 and is a total of 15 feet long, this may be equivalent to a straight run that is 50 feet long. Knowing how these fittings affect the flow rate and outlet pressure helps in selecting the correct size pump. Hope this helps.

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