Today I got a ticket for parking too close to a fire hydrant, I was about 5 feet away from it. Is there anyway I can get out of this?
I would think so, I lived in New Mexico and there is a lot of lighting. Houses on hills like mine are expected to be hit, it's like saying .. look at me, here I am. I believe that my lighting rod saved my life a few times.
I live in Conroe TX and I don't believe I have ever seen a house with a lightning rod..
Under normal conditions, any burning natural gas, like Propane, Butane, Ethane, or Methane, will emit only two by products - H20 and CO2. If the fire is not adjusted right, or something is wrong with one of your burners, CO might form. However CO will burn also because it is lacking an O. But that does not mean you can't get killed. CO2 is as deadly as CO. CO will rise higher in the level of the room than CO2. So consider it that both are dangerous and can kill you. I would not do it, but I have seen it done
Based on odds lightning never strikes the same place twice. Did you know though that lightning comes from the ground up. Interesting wouldn't you say.
I would take every precaution against lightning. If lightning never strikes, then you can either claim it was a waste of money OR that you are sure getting your money's worth.