im only 17 years old and i feel tire every single day even on the weekend when i slept like about 14 hours when im tire it means tire not even coffee could do any hlp so is there a soultion to this???
Could be a thyroid condition- which can be taken care of with medication. Talk with your parent(s) about taking you to the doctor. If you're feeling overly tired, you need to be checked out.
If you are still feeling tired even after 8-9 hours of sleep you problem might not be the amount of sleep that you are getting but the quality. There are several causes of poor sleeping quality. 1) Sleep apnea - literally means not breathing while sleeping (a without, pnea breath). When you fall asleep you relax the soft tissue and muscle surrounding the airways. This reduction in space causes your lungs to have to work harder to maintain the correct oxygen levels. Similar to what happens if you suck too hard on a straw, the increased suction of the lungs eventually causes the airway to collapse and a moment where no air passes into the lung ensues. This causes one to wake up just enough to resume normal breathing. Typically, however, you don't wake up enough to consciously notice it. This stop and go sleeping can greatly effect how tired you are. 2) Hypopnea (pronounced hi-pop-nee-a) - meaning slowed breathing is similar, but not the same as apnea. Typically this is what causes most younger adults trouble with sleeping. It can be caused by smoking, obesity, alcohol, and snoring. Although, you do not actually stop breathing, there are abnormally slow or shallow breaths which eventually lowers the oxygen content in the lungs/tissues. A person, again, wakes up frequently throughout the night, effecting their sleeping. The best way to know if you have one of the two sleep problems listed above is to have a sleep study done. However, if you want some signs before spending your money, there are a couple of indicators of sleep apnea and hypopnea: 1) If you have a significant other or roommate, etc. ask him or her if you snore, suddenly stop breathing while sleeping, or similar. 2) Can you remember your dreams? People who have had corrective surgery and placed on ventilary machines for sleep apnea have described how the suddenly have longer and more vivid dreams. 3) Are you moody or easily angered? This can becaused be the lack of dreams.
Sleeping more may make you tired! Caffeine is bad and withdrawing from it makes you tired. You may be depressed! The only solution is go see a doctor! In the mean time, eat well and drink water! Sugar crashes also make people feel like they want to die!!! Question--do you feel sleepy tired or physically exhausted tired? Make sure you tell the doctor all your symptoms! write them down and take them with you!