Is it best to pull the shower curtain completely closed, leaving about six inches between the shower curtain rod and the ceiling for air flow. Or is it better to leave the sides of the shower curtain open a foot or two to better allow for the water vapor to dissipate. The thinking behind closing the shower curtain all the way, is so the water will run down the curtain and down the drain.
first of all i use only fabric waterproof shower curtains not vynal...crack open the window a bit or door...and yes after the shower open the shower curtain for drying
I do not have that problem! I did see a dehumidifier at Home Depot I believe it will work it pulls the moisture out of the air and if bathroom is not properly vented may be what you need. You also need to run the exhaust in the bathroom when showering it will help circulate the air and it does go to outside not back in the house!
I purchase a spray cleaner that I keep in the shower and spray the entire shower and vinyl curtain after a shower that keeps the mold from growing. Also I purchase the cheap vinyl curtains so once they get yucky I toss them out!
Air needs to circulate in order to dry the moisture, so opening both ends of the curtain would allow a bit of circulation through the shower stall. You should squeegee the walls to remove all of that moisture, also. And run the bathroom fan during and after your shower. If there's a window in the bathroom, that should remain open. A shower door would be a bit of expense, but if you have one installed, and if you squeegee it along with the shower walls after each shower, you can probably eliminate the problem.
I close my shower curtain after I have a shower, that way it dries evenly, if you leave it open then the pleats stay wet. I have had the same vinyl liner for a year and there has been no mold build up on the curtain. =]