Home > categories > Security & Protection > Safety Goggles > Towing a submarine upriver from Portsmouth Naval Shipyard to Goat Island, Newington, NH - could it happen?

Towing a submarine upriver from Portsmouth Naval Shipyard to Goat Island, Newington, NH - could it happen?

I'd like to know if it is theoretically possible to tow a submarine from Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, up the Piscataqua River, to a small island off Newington, called Goat Island. This is for a work of speculative science fiction and the tech/military hardware involved would be of 1940s vintage.Said submarine would have to be on the surface the whole time, especially as the channel narrows considerably near Dover Point, and I'm thinking damaged/disabled-U-boat-towed-by-tugs. However I wouldn't mind getting info on the maximum feasible draft a submarine could have in order to navigate this passage yet still remain in the water. If it would be possible to run submerged up to Goat Island (which I doubt, having seen the charts, and never having seen large ships in Great Bay, but then again I've never spent much time on the waterfront) I'd love to know that as well.Nautical charts are available from noaa -


how many times can one question be asked ? Schools almost out , get over it already.
Try putting it in a different location there may be something triggering it in the spot you have it in now also check the batteries and make sure they are new if the batteries start to wear down sometimes a smoke alarm will chirp
I have seen it once. But the hydrant was elevated and the water supply pipe was exposed above ground. But normally, water only shoots out in the movies.
You /list/?psubscribeid1 Happy Surfing! Matt

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