Does it really matter if you replace travel trailer tires with specifically made trailer tires or would a good quality lite truck tire work just as well. I don‘t really understand the difference and the price for trailer tires is often the same or more.
the do make radial tires now for trailer service, I just put 4 brand new ones on my 27 ft travel trailer. When you go past what the manufacturer intended on a vehicle or trailer you are askin for trouble. Those tires are egineered for the load and stresses of the trailer. You would most likely void any warranty or insurance you had by NOT using recommended tires. Just some things to think about. I got my radials at Discount Tire but I am sure other dealers carry them now.
This Site Might Help You. RE: Trailer tires? Does it really matter if you replace travel trailer tires with specifically made trailer tires or would a good quality lite truck tire work just as well. I don't really understand the difference and the price for trailer tires is often the same or more.
Safety is the issue. The biggest issues for trailer tires are load and age. Tires marked ST are designed for trailer service. They have special anti-ozone chems mixed in and are better suited for load shifting. Safe life is limited to three years. An LT type tire is far better than a p-metric car tire and NEVER put a tube in a tubeless tire.