Ok, I have a 2000 Ford Contour Sport 2.5L V6 with 183K miles on it. I first noticed a problem a few weeks ago, now it‘s acting even crazier. The car doesn‘t stall, it takes off fine, there is no problem changing gears until, I get on the expressway, driving maybe 5-6 miles down the road then the RPM gauge shoots up to 3-4000, it jerks, then returns to normal. It does this maybe 2-3 times in a 10 mile trip from my home to my job. I took it to a shop(my moms favorite shop, her suggestion), and they got the code (P1702) and they say I need a new transmission for $1300-2200, I don‘t have!!! I‘m not a pro or even a novice mechanic, but I do know that if it‘s NOT having trouble changing gears, then it can‘t be the transmission right? I‘ve been online all day, and I tried finding out that the code means, with no luck. the info I do find points to the transmission sensor. It‘s at the shop now, I hope that‘s it, suggestions anyone?
Can you tell if the engine is actually speeding up to them rpm's or is the gauge giving you a false reading could be the difference between electrical and transmission problem