I just bought a 2000 Camaro, and it's honestly really awesome. V8, and the B4C package to boot. It's pretty much stock in all regards, though. I was just wondering if it's odd at all that I should be having such a rough time with speed bumps, bottoming out and whatnot. I went to the mall this afternoon, and the amount of speed bumps all over the place had me sweating to say the least. Going at them diagonally helps somewhat, but bottoming out just happens anyways. I'm not sure if it would be a problem with the suspension, or if the shocks need to be replaced or whatever it could be. I haven't bottomed out too hard yet, but a little scraping or anything just gets at me, especially considering how great the car is. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
It's possible but you have a far more likely risk of being hit by a bus when crossing the road. People apparently have NO understanding of statistics. There is a huge difference between possible and risky.
I lock all of the doors and windows in my house before I go to sleep. That way I can hear if somebody breaks in. I would hear them busting the windows and locks on the doors. At that point I would go grab my kids, knife and baseball bat.
it will just go around you and not touch you at all so dont worry bout it thx for the 2 pts
yeah. i think that kids theory is wack. but i do think it's a subconcious thing, like you brain is not allowing you to move because you're scared (subconciously,) of what might happen if you do. or it could just be that you're real tired. part two i think the lock is something frightening, like you have to hurry to accomplish because if you don't something bad is going to happen, and you'll get hurt. but you just keep trying. and try until you don't think you can anymore, and then it fits. you've worked it out.