The exhaust hood of my stove has a few feet of ugly flexible aluminum duct that runs along the top of the cabinetsIt is ugly.any inexpensive ideas to quot;decoratequot; it and make it look less like a sore thumb? I do not live in America so I do not have access to many of the storesI am stuck with this tube and we dont have the money to change itAny nice ideas from creative people? Thanks in advance.
They should be fineIf you open them and they have freezer burn - pitch themIf you start cooking them and they give off a fowl odor - pitch them.
it's still good cause it's been frozen, foods that are kept frozen last a long time ]
in case you're browning and crumbling the floor crimson meat, as you're able to for a pasta dish, then it fairly is risk-free to initiate with frozen(even though it fairly is easily no longer as reliable because it may be if thawed first)in case you're doing burgers, it fairly is not risk-free till it fairly is a patty extremely designed to be cooked from frozenthe area is that the indoors-maximum parts of the beef won't get completely cooked, despite the fact that if interestingly to be accomplishedFor fowl and chops, it fairly is not risk-free to initiate with frozen, till you're simmering them in a protracted-cooking soup or stew.
They should still be good - they haven't been in the freezer for very longSome guidelines state ground beef would be fine if frozen as long as eight monthsBest of luck!
How about painting it the same color as what it's against, so it won't stand out? If it's flush with the celing, paint it that color, or if against the wall, use that colorI would think water based latex paint would work, since it's not flammableYou may have to touch it up once in a while, but I don't see why it wouldn't work.