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Unique, homemade clothing ideas?

What are some creative ways to alter and make clothing? I usually put together my own unique outfits, but I am running out of ideas. I am willing to sew and spend some time on it.


They sell caps for this - Home depot and do not glue it as this acts as a clean out if you get a backup in plumbing ps I hope none of pipe fell into pipe and is now causing an obstruction. wish you well
Because another dog did it first. Most are just marking wherever another dog has urinated.
because most dogs lift there legs to pee on them they are just peeing on top of whatever pee other dogs leave behind. dogs pee on bushes,trees ,tires fences anywhere others dog went. they are marking there territory.
Make sure it's a good battery, perhaps by trying another, or testing this one in a different item. But then once you know its a good battery, open the detector and blow hard on the sensor that trips the alarm. It's usually a diaphragm looking thing, perhaps covered with a protective grill. If you can't tell where it is, blow hard all over, from straight at the detector. Clears out dust that can be tripping the signal.
it is natural for dogs and other animals of all species to mark their territory. In the wild, animal will urinate on a tree and then de-bark the tree with their horns or antlers to claim the area and the females. Dogs ar doing the same thing, just with fire hydrants.

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