what additive could you use to stop ticking sound in motor in 99 chev malibu?
It's called elbow grease, and it's used to remove and replace the sticking lifter(s) that are causing the ticking sound.
welding can be very complicated if not done right you can really **** up the car or couse leaks from an improper weld leave to the guys that know what they are doing
most of the time its easy if you know what your doing but if its a big hole i recommend a new pipe if its just a little hole just go up and tack it without any problem
Don't use additive. Take it to a reliable mechanic who can adjust the valve lash for you. It will make a world of difference in driveability, power and fuel economy too, and it is simple and cheap.
Engine ticking is usually caused by a collapsed lifter and the best thing to do is to have it replaced, but that can be expensive to do. And using an additive can be a hit or miss type of thing; they may or may not work for you. Here are a couple of suggestions for you. If the tick starts or gets louder as the car warms up. try using a heavier weight oil (example: go from 5/30 to 10/30). If you want to try an additive don’t use anything harsh like an engine cleaner, which could make it worse. Use GodPowers suggestion and go with something like Seafoam.