you see..have this assignment..and i cant remember them all. and i have this quiz tomorrow so pls answer pls!!!!!!
I like the face shield, its very nice. You can't see the pencil marks in the black, which is good. I like the composition, thats really nice too. I would go with a slightly lighter skin tone, so it is obvious that this person is a different color than the face shield, and smooth the pencil lines. The ears would be the darkest part, but that really depends on where your light source is coming from. The highlights on the face shield say that the light is coming from the front, where the viewer is looking. The ears say that the light is coming from the sides, so it conflicts. That can easily be changed though. I'm interested in what kind of background you are going to put with this. To me it says more of a syfy sort of vibe, or something super modern. You could go with something like that something super metallic, or something that is totally opposite, like nature and flowers. This is really nice, the line work is really great. the composition is really nice, and it has a lot of potential.
The best way to know is to call you local ford dealership parts department. Tell them your vehicle identification number (17 digit number located in the lower corner of the windshield) and ask them if your lock system is a negative or positive pulse.