How close can I park to a stop sign, railroad, fire hydrant, mailbox, etc?
Fire extinguishers are only supplied by landlords in multiple family dwellings, where local fire code requires same. They are not required by fire code in a single family residence. If you want them, you can purchase them at Home Depot or similar.
Do they hand out points for parking violations? I thought only moving violations raxked up points. In any event, if you think you're innocent, fight the case. Check to see if you're local parking violations authority allows you to answer your ticket on-line. In NY a few years back, I got a ticket for parking near a building that was off limits for parking because it was undergoing construction. I figured, no harm done, I went on-line and said that the signs weren;t visible, and there were no signs that the building was actively undergoing any sort of work. I git a not-guilty letter sometime thereafter. You should answer the ticket - many states will suspend your license for failure to answer a ticket, and if you're caught driving with a suspended license, you will be arrested.