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What are some precautions that a marine biologist have to take while using acids and bases?

What are some precautions that a marine biologist have to take while using acids and bases?


Hello N.P. As a nurse, I can tell you right now that he will refuse to NOT wear gloves. He could be fired and even lose his license for not taking basic safety precautions. After 23 years of wearing them myself, I can tell you it gets to be such a habit that it is nearly impossible to work without them. He wears them as much to protect you as himself. The use of gloves in the past 20 years has cut the number of infections that MD/ Nurse/ EMTs GIVE to patients by 90% (depending on the study you read) It sounds like the problem was that he didn't use enough lubrication last time. Before he starts the exam, ask him to use more lubricant than last time. Explain that the gloves pulled your tissue and were uncomfortable. Do NOT be afraid to stop him once he starts if it is still pulling and ask him to add more lube. This is a common request, and he hears it often. Best wishes, Ed, RN
maybe the problem is your hair. Why does it fall out so much? Most vacuums have rollers.find one that's recommended for pet hair.
Ask him very politely to use K-Y jelly. Because he most definitely has to use gloves.
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