What are speed bumps named in portugal ?
tough one but probably safe not to, because Boston will touch him for at least 4 or 5 runs over 7 innings if they play like they have been so far, and they are still heating up, on the upward climb, not out of that phase, so i'd say its a dangerous start.
Gravity does not cause space to bend because space is never straight. Just as the shape of the surface of the Earth has variations in height, so our three-dimensional space has variations in its shape. This is sometimes pictures as a bent surface (a rubber sheet), but that gives the wrong picture. Think instead of distances and directions within space being altered by the presence of massive objects. So far from masses, space has a characteristic curvature, while near masses (like stars or planets), that curvature changes. Space-time is shorthand for the recognition that the curvature of space affects the measurement of time, *and* that acceleration is measured the same whether caused by a local mass or by change in velocity. So clocks move differently (and light changes frequency) near a large mass or when emitted by a fast-moving or accelerating source.
alot of nudity, some touchy felly going on, prob some straight up F'en happening, then there will always be the lil quarrels happening in the corner..never fails.
Uhh 0.o The horror. I will be scarred for LIFE. o.0