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What are the 5 Safety Absolutes?

2 of them are: Never walk under a suspended load, use the proper tool for the job, I need help with the other three


I like the idea of terraforming and here is what I know about terraforming Mars. Trees would die if planted on Mars because the soil lacks the proper nutrients and the air is much too thin and cold. To terraform Mars we would have to first raise the temperature. We might be able to do this by positioning use state sized mirrors made up of very thin sheets of reflective material to send more sunlight to the surface. We could also raise the temperature of Mars much the same way we are raising the temperature of Earth now. By launching rockets full of super greenhouse gasses to the Martian surface or sending factories to produce the gasses on Mars we could lock in the heat that reaches Mars like a greenhouse does in winter. We could also alter the corse of asteroids and comets to collide with Mars. The extreme energy would help heat the surface. Once sufficiently heated the ice caps would begin to melt. However unlike Earth's ice caps most of Mars's ice is frozen carbon dioxide (dry ice) and melting it turns it straight into a gas. This will increase the atmospheric density and further increase greenhouse warming. We could than send algae to the surface to process he Martian atmosphere which is nearly all CO2 (carbon dioxide). Due to the inefficiency of photosynthesis the algae will heat up while processing sunlight and help heat the surface. Over time more and more of the Martian surface will be able to support liquid water seasonly. By colliding outer solar system comets that contain stuff necessary to life like nitrogen or straight ammonia into Mars we could produce an environment that simple plants to could live in. Was trees are put there the real atmosphere processing will begin. One day it may even gain enough oxygen to support human respiration (breathing).
first of all, mars needs a stronger atmosphere to hold in oxygen. mars really needs carbon dioxide, to form a atmosphere. water has been found, and where ever theres water, there has to be some sort of life, microscopic perhaps. we do have hope just give it 20 years, lol
I like to stick my tongue in the innie's.

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