What are the dangers of using a car tire for the rear motorcycle tire?
This Site Might Help You. RE: What are the dangers of using a car tire for the rear motorcycle tire? I've been reading about people using a car tire for their motorcycle's rear tire. What are the issues with this? They do it because they can get twice as many miles for half the price with a car tire. Specifically, for cruisers like a Honda 1800 VTXnot for sport or dirt.
It used to be done quite often. The old Volkswagen tires had a slightly rounded profile. The one very impotant thing that needed to be done in the past was to make sure you had the right rim, as motorcycle and auto rims were different. I don't know how/if that applies today. Tires have changed greatly over the last couple of decades. From a post in your link: I hear people like the rounded edge profile of the Potenza, but believe me, it will never touch the road, with a CT the sidewall flexes in curves and the whole tread stays planted, that's why the handling feels so solid, you'll never lean it over enough to get onto the shoulder of the tire, your pegs and/or frame will hit before that happens. As with ANY mod, checking the fit and suitability of parts is key. So is awareness that it will be different from stock when you ride it.