What are the factors associated with the speed of the reaction between aluminum and acids?
With 6% hydrochloric acid, concentration of hydrochloric acid of.4% takes 300 seconds in 3% to 6%, so the aluminum wire with 4% hydrochloric acid reaction time should be 500 seconds to 300 seconds. Many methods to measure the reaction speed, such as the use of drainage method to collect a bottle of hydrogen required time, temperature change to measure. In two tubes with aluminum wire and dilute sulfuric acid, then adding the solution of Sodium Chloride Solution and sodium sulfate, chloride and sulfate ions were added in two test tubes, can prove the presence of Cl- acid and aluminum reaction easy.
From the experimental comparison, the higher the concentration of hydrochloric acid, the shorter the reaction time, and it is known that the reaction between aluminum wire and 3% hydrochloric acid takes 300 seconds;
The reaction temperature is different and the reaction time is different, so the reaction speed is related to temperature;