What are the important parameters of the pump?
Because the lift refers to the effective energy, pump output unit of heavy liquid obtained from the pump so that the product of head and the mass flow rate and acceleration of gravity, is the effective energy output from the pump in unit time of liquid -- effective power pump:Pe= P gQH (W) = QH (W)In the p - density of liquid pumping (kg/m3);Gamma - pump heavy liquid delivery (N/m3);Q - pump flow (m3/s);H - pump lift (m);G - gravitational acceleration (m/s2)The shaft power P and effective power Pe is the difference of power loss in the pump, the size of the pump efficiency to measure the efficiency of the pump. As the effective power and shaft power ratio, with ETA said.
The head is the unit weight of liquid pump pumping from the inlet of the pump (pump inlet flange) to the outlet of the pump (pump outlet flange) energy value. Effective energy is a Newtonian liquid through the pump unit is obtained. The N m/N=m, the height of liquid column pumping liquid used, referred to as meters.Speed nThe speed is the number of revolutions per unit time of the pump shaft. It is indicated by the symbol n. The unit is r/min.Cavitation allowance NPSHCavitation margin, also called net positive suction head, is the main parameter to indicate the cavitation performance. The cavitation margin has been expressed by delta H at homePower and efficiencyThe power of water pump usually refers to the input power, that is, the power transferred by the prime mover to the pump shaft, so it is also called shaft power. It is expressed by P;The effective power of the pump, also known as the output power, is expressed in Pe. It is the effective energy obtained by pumping the liquid out of the pump in unit time
Mass flow is expressed in Qm units: t/h, kg/s, etc.The relation between mass flow and volume flow is:Qm= P QIn the p - type liquid density (kg/m3, t/m3), room temperature water P =1000kg/m3.Lift H
Pump parametersFlow rate QFlow is the amount of liquid (volume or mass) that is pumped out in unit timeVolume flow is expressed in Q units: m3/s, m3/h, l/s, etc.