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What bit should I use on very head strong pony?

I just got a new 13hh haflinger pony and I love him already however I noticed he has a problem with being very hard in the mouth. I've been using a tom thumb type bit on him which I was told was a good bit and has been fine with all my others. My new haffie stormy just pulls with all his might toward where he wants to go and I am fighting him and pulling him and am convinced he's not soft in the mouth anymore. He's only 7yrs old. He just doesent listen to it, or me.What bit should I use on him? Would something gentler calm him down or does he need something alittle firmer? I need opinions on bits please. Not training cause that's not possible right now. Thanks


Yah and if their mature and its a safe neighborhood and ur not far away than for an hour
Fire Hydrants are used by the fire department in an emergency. They reserve 20 feet on both sides of the fire hydrant for the use of a fire truck. This way the fire truck can park close enough to the hydrant to hook up a supply hose. The supply hose is hooked to a powerful pump inside the fire truck which then sprays out water at very high pressured in smaller hoses carried by the fire men.
When says about hand grenade, for you reference: 1. a grenade or explosive shell that is thrown by hand and exploded either by impact or by means of a fuze. 2. a grenade or glass missile containing a chemical, for extinguishing fire.

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