it must be fiberglass because it is a strength issue. Also is does kevlar wet out as clear as glass or is it always yellow.
bro your concept is stale,its the comparable as nexus vs cena,while nexus had 7or 8 men,safeguard + punk might have in basic terms 4 men, its unfair to them,cena took out a military on my own while he confronted nexus, so upon getting his *** kicked for 3-4 months he will finally bury the safeguard + punk into depths of hell!!!!!
Like most heel groups in the history of professional wrestling they will eventually break up. Q2: He sucks. Q3: Nobody for awhile. Q4: Del Rio is doing alright as a face.
Keeps the price down on the house maybe, only thing I can think of. It's not like Florida doesn't have a lightning problem, maybe it's to busy zapping people, lol.
I think two or them will turn on the other. Or all 3 will turn on each other. Kind of like what happened to Evolution. BQ2: Yeah Sheamus is pretty good in the ring. Very underrated. BQ3: I don't know who your talking about. But I assume you mean the Big Show? I think he'll eventually turn face. Although probably not for a little bit. Randy Orton will turn heel before Big Show turns face. BQ4: Ehh Del Rio was kind of forced into being a face. He said himself in interviews that he prefers being a heel. His mic skills as a face aren't there yet. Over time he'll probably get better though. I am not saying he's bad on the mic by the way, because as a heel he is one of the best in the business. BQ5: Cm Punks had such a great year right. You might as well let him face the Undertaker. Although I personally would rather see a rematch between Orton and Taker (but at Wrestlemania 30).
A bunch of half-naked guys are gonna touch each other. Like always.