dont say go buy some, or use a pipe or bong or any other device, im strictly looking for other papers and no bible papers since i got no biblety
potato with skin, apple with skin, popcorn are the highestoatmeal is good, toothere are lots of cereals and cereal bars that taste great and have loads of fibermake sure you drink lots of water or the problem will just get worseyour body needs the water to flush out the solid waste.
For constipation please do not take more fibrous items Although fibre is good,it is best to start eating graduallyYou could suffer more constipation as your digestive system struggles to cope with added roughageThe solution is to add fibre to your diet slowly, about 10 gm each day to 25gm Good sources include whole grain,bran muffins, brown rice, whole grain breads Psyllium seeds are a bulk forming laxative, which means you take them with liquid, and they expand in your intestines, forcing a bowel movement through pressure.This type of laxative is safer for long term use( Natures Prescriptions ; by the Editors of FCA Medical Publishing) Nux Vomica 200 5 pills at bed time and next day morning Bryonia 200 5 pills are very good for constipationBoth are homeopathy medicinesYou may consult Homeopathy DoctorAbout 15 minutes before going to toilet, with your thumb press your chin up and release and do this for about 30 times( just pressing up and releasing) This is reflexology cure for constipation.
Highest Fiber Vegetables: Avocado Beans Broccoli Brussels sprouts Cabbage Carrot Chick Peas/Garbanzo Beans Eggplant Greens - collards, kale, turnip greens Lima beans Mushrooms Potato with skin Pumpkin, canned Peas - black-eyed peas, green peas Peppers Rhubarb Spinach Sweet Potatoes Highest Fiber Fruits: Apples Avocado Bananas Berries - Blueberies, Blackberries, Raspberries, etcDried Fruits - Figs, Raisins, Apricots, Dates, etcGuava Kiwi Orange Pears Prunes Other High Fiber Foods: Bran Cereals, 5-10 grams - All-Bran, Bran Buds, 100% Bran, Raisin Bran Bread, whole grain Beans, Lentils, Lima Beans Nuts - Almonds, Brazil nuts, Peanuts, Walnuts, Cashews
These people are retarded: Make an aluminium foil pipeIT IS NOT DANGEROUSThat is just a mythLook it up on youtube how to make oneOr make a coke can pipe, or whatever other brand of canLook it up tooOr do hot kniving, get two knives, put them on your stove top, untill they get red hotThen pick the piece of weed up with the to knives and inhale the smoke that comes off itIt gets you really highOr make a parachute/lung bongYoutube itOr make a gravity bongYoutube itOr make a waterfall bongYoutube itIf you have to use papersUse phone directory paper, dictionary paper, any kind of really thin paper, that has a similar feel to bible paper.
carrot juice with that of spinach, when consumed daily can relieve constipation.