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What causes the internal short circuit of the induction cooker?

What causes the internal short circuit of the induction cooker?


R28 should be low voltage power supply current limiting resistor, this resistor burns first is the power IC (8 feet) or the power supply pipe first burned, so you can not only change the resistance, and ignore the entire loop detection.
Many people in the use of electromagnetic stove for a long time, there will be a variety of problems, if it is a short-circuit problem, to tell you how to check the maintenance of electromagnetic oven this short-circuit problem.
1 will be the first leg of the electromagnetic wire coil disconnect for insurance tube, measure the capacitance voltage across the DC output voltage of C102, the general bridge rectifier is 220V-300V, if there is no voltage or continue to fuse, judge for the bridge rectifier block bad.Analysis of the reason: if the rectifier bridge breakdown, then 220V AC direct short circuit.2 and then look at the voltage at both ends of the C102, determine whether the IGBT is bad, replace the troubleshooting.Analysis of the reasons: C102 voltage at both ends, indicating that the bridge rectifier DC output is normal, if the two IGBT output pin breakdown, it is equivalent to DC short circuit.3, third, if the bridge, the bridge and the IGBT are not bad, but still burn insurance, it may be IA8316S integrated block bad, replaced after troubleshooting.Analysis of the reasons: TA8316S output due to the pulse angle is too large, resulting in overloading of the phenomenon of IGBT

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