I was wondering because I had no idea if it was the sun or what.
DID THEY RIP IT OFF?????? ARE YOU KIDDDING ME??? In the last scene of the show, it was a contrast of everything that made Vick who he was. When it started, there he was, white shirt, all white room. He takes the pictures out of his loved ones. His Kids. His lost friend. He begins to break it all down. He realizes all the pain and suffering he has caused. He almost breaks as everything is running through his mind. Then, the lights shut off. The day is over. Darkness. Vick grabs his gun, and a smirk comes across his face, almost as if everything is brushed aside. He is free to do what he has always done. Be the Bad Guy. You sir, are a fool to compare the epic finale of 'The Shield', to the crapfest that was the ending of 'The Soprano's'.
The shield went out with a whimper, not a bang. Very disappointing.