Thanks for answering so soon.Almost every year I have been going to the Toyota dealer with this problem. They mention different codes while none of my mechanics cannot find anything wrong in the systems and the car runs fine. I have spend money on diagnostics and replacement of parts to then few months later have the light on again.Are they tampering? Is there something wrong that has not been fixed? One of my mechanics said it could be anything small, such as a leak, or something loose. He says he cannot find it. The Toyota people obviously neither.Any idea?
Probably a bad sensor that works most of the time then acts up again after a while. O2 sensor Bad fuel or cheap fuel. Loose connection or frayed wires.
No idea, but stop wasting your time and money going to the dealer. Go to your local auto parts store and buy a code reader. They are not that expensive. Next time your check engine light comes on, attach the code reader, obtain the code and then clear the light. You can Google the code and determine what the problem is and if it is serious enough to require repair. I keep my code reader in the glove box all the time. It's saved me hundreds on dollars.
Post basics: Year, model, miles, engine type. You could be eligible for Lemon Law remedy, depending on which state you live in. Yes, some state's lemon laws cover used, and some cover private transactions. This is exactly the prob Toyota is having now with unfixable probs, hence their massive recalls and record fines. They'r not tampering. T built cars so complex w/ inadequate testing that there are a massive # of variables to be tested including air temp, humidity, static electricity, etc etc. In T's shop, it's likely air conditioned, but not in your driveway. T doesnt have the kids and the dogs bouncing around causing static electric. Run you VIN, Vehicle ID Number, on line and see if your car's on the recall list. The VIN's on your registration, and driver's door jam.