It starts out with a girl and guy then it shows her looking out the door and him walking in another door with another girl then it shows her running into them at a grocery store in the end it looks like she might of killed herself cause I think it shows her leaving in ambulance phone muted and couldn't see who sing it. Thanks for help
You need to attend your town meetings and bring the issue up. You should also contact the alderman for your area and address the issue with them. You need to get a petition signed by all of the people in your neighborhood who are not happy with the situation and send it to your alderman, your mayor, and anyone else in your local government. Make a big noise.
this may be more for slowing traffic than eliminating it but Ive tried it and it works just tape a black hair dryer to your rear view mirror and park it on your street
Petition your representatives to install speed bumps and generally make a pain in the *ss out of yourself.
In some states you do have to be 16 even with parental permission. Check the laws in your state. I would give it another year though, just so you have even more time to think about and research the piercing. Be an expert on it, then talk to your parents in a calm, MATURE manner. No fits, no yelling. Also, to the person who said nobody hires a girl with a nose piercing the hell are you smoking? I see people with nose piercings working in various places. It's very common. Perhaps put a stud in it instead of a ring.
Speed bumps gets them every time. Oh they can speed over them alright, that is if they want to lose their cars rear end.