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What do Catholics think of hunting?

In my Religious studies at school, we have to learn about what people think of hunting. So, I want to know what Catholics and Christians think of it. For example I have the Qu'ran at home and it says Allah doesn't approve of it if it is for fun purposes or the sake of nothing, but Allah doesn't mind if you are going to use it for food or a good use. So, what does it say in the bible about it? If you don't know and you are Buddhist, please tell me their beliefs about it to. Thanks


THIS IS NOT LEGAL.. if you look at the health and safety law poster (that must be legally displayed in the work place), it states, you employer has a duty under the law to ensure.. to provide free any PROTECTIVE CLOTHING OR EQUIPMENT where risks are not adequately controlled by other means. it should tell u what to do on the poster but if u mail me i can tell you and give u the numbers. there are LEGAL ways of doing this anon! as talking to you boss is getting you no where i would ring the health and safety in confidence HSE'S info line service on 0541 545500 because if you think you employer is exposing you to risks or is not carrying out their legal duties, and you have pointed this out without a satisfying answer,you can contact and enforcing authority for health and safety in your work place. health and safety inspectors can give you advise on how to comply with the law. they also have power to enforce it.. ask you boss if he has heard of RIDDOR (reporting of injuries , diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations 1995) think this breaks them!!!!!! good luck and fight your corner!
Fire alarm system is required to alert people in the event of fire. The choice of fire alarm system depends on the building structure, the purpose and use of the building.
not in the uk it isnt if you are in the uk call the enviromental health and they will fine him
You cant clean gloves,you discard them.You have a treatment schedule .
Grossed out, that is harrassment and you can take legal action providing you can prove your case (depending on country). That boss is traumatising you. Depends on which country you are in. Though in Australia it would breach the Commonwealth OHS Act 1991. Get another job. He should be reported to the health department where ever you are!

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