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What do i do if my bearded dragon is pregant?

I have a male and female beardies together. ive seen the male jump on the females back bite her neck and kinda shake her a little. I read in my beardie book that is how they mate. Also how long will it be before i can tell she is pregant? And what do i need to doHow can i make an nesting box.my book said how but i wanna hear some othere ideas and i know i need to get her calcium supplements right away im going tmrw to get the stuff i need. And can i still keep the male in the cage until she lays the eggs cuz they have always lived together.


Sorry, can't answer all your questions, best to google search on nesting. But, you definitely need to raise the temperature for her as I didn't realise mine was pregnant and she suffered a lot due to my not supplementing her additionally nor raising them temp.!
Sorry, can't answer all your questions, best to google search on nesting. But, you definitely need to raise the temperature for her as I didn't realise mine was pregnant and she suffered a lot due to my not supplementing her additionally nor raising them temp.!

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