My clothing requires permanent press during washing, but my washer does not have a permanent press option. Could I use Delicate and achieve the same results? If not, what should I use?
You can use the delicate cycle. Just make sure you use the temperature of water it recommends on the washing tags of the clothing.
Permanent Press is for a regular cycle warm should have this setting it just might not say wash in warm and then use a warm cycle on your dryer. You can use a delicate cycle just put in half the amount of clothes as you would in a regular load so that the delicate cycle can clean them.[ Obviously you'll use half the amount of detergent as well.] You can also use a cold water regular cycle which is what I do ,the clothes come out just as clean and it saves me tons of money not using warm water.Just make sure you a warm setting on your dryer not hot! Also clothes that are PP can be hung out to dry if you immediately remove me from washer they won't wrinkle.