What do you think of this rug?
Just brag to your friends about the OTHER (fun) way that you got Rug Burn ;);););););)
hey girl heeeeyyy that rug is bangin yo
ahaha sorry i just think its really funny that you posted a question about a rug :) yeah its a pretty cool rug
i dont know at 1st i didnt like it but i think its one of thoughs things that just might grow on you know what i mean lol its an ok rug notihng i would buy but if a friends had it or something it would be cool it's all in the eye of the beholder
I love it!!! It's just my style...u can get either of those colors in a couch...like u can get a lilac couch and then have the pillows match the other colors in the rug or vice versa...u can also get different color arm chairs to match your rug and couch...this is definately a great pick! There's so much to do with these colors and u can also match them up with material at a fabric store to make matching pillows, furniture throws, curtains, etc...u can even do flower arrangements to match this and sit it on your coffee table.