Triple H said that when Evolution was facing The Shield he was scouting and Reigns was his first choice. Triple H said Reigns had everything speed, size, power, etc.
In my opinion, the best way to train is by doing Slayer. Constant grinding at Rock Crabs/Armored Zombies/Etc. gets boring very fast. If you do slayer you can profit, level fast, and still have fun.
Two answers that don't understand what socialism is on here. You can be free and be a socialist. You can have personal property and be a socialist as well. You can be rich and be a socialist. You can save money and be a socialist. It is NOT the redistribution of wealth. I know this is an old post but I have to explain that. Franklin was also not against taxes, he was against the taxation of the colonies. A socialist is a person who believes that social programs should be the priority in how we deal with our economy. That's it. It has nothing to do with economic freedom or personal property. That's communism that deals with that. Franklin was nevr clear as to whether he was a socialist or not, some people think he was others say no.