What does "0.5" equivalent of lead coat?
X - ray protective clothing is a shield that can effectively absorb X rays between radioactive sources and personnel to eliminate or reduce the harm of X rays to the human body. The shielding mechanism of shielding materials to ionizing radiation is accomplished by the absorption of ionizing radiation by the absorption material contained in the material. The magnitude of the energy absorption is proportional to the 4 order of the atomic number of the absorbing material. The atomic number of lead is 82, has good energy absorption characteristics, which are easy to obtain, is an ideal material for shielding high-energy ionizing radiation, people use lead equivalent to measure absorption capacity of X ray shielding materials. Therefore, lead equivalent is the most important performance index of X ray protective clothing. The size of lead equivalent determines the capability of X ray protective clothing to shield X rays. In this paper, the lead equivalent value of shielding X ray for shielding clothing under several common pipe voltages is given by calculation.
X - ray protective clothing required to lead equivalent calculation for X ray protection, some of our national standards (such as GBZ130 - 2002 "medical X - ray diagnosis of health protection standards" and so on) clearly states: each X ray machine should be equipped with appropriate protective equipment with various auxiliary protection requirements, such as lead, lead rubber gloves rubber aprons. We know that all occasions requiring the use of personal protective equipment are hazardous to human health and threatening the safety of life. So, there are occasions in which X rays harm, X ray protection can select how much lead equivalent does not exceed the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) staff Publication No. 103rd provisions of the occupation exposure dose limit, namely the occupation dose staff for 5 years the average annual 20mSv, any of them within a year shall not exceed the limit value of 50mSv.
Generally, 0.5mmpb rays are used to protect the lead, and more than 90% scattering lines can be protected.