What does a Fifth wheel trailer rv mean? Does it need five wheels or something? thanks
put the 180 on it if you can afford to. the first number is the width of the tire in millimeters.
second number is the distanst from the edge of the bead to where the tread begins in milimeters. zr 17 is z for highspeed (120 mph+) r is rim size in inches
It is a camping trailer that is pulled. An RV is self driven but a 5th Wheel is pulled behind a large truck but would hold similar amenities as an RV. Fifth Wheels are also going to be cheaper.
A fifth wheel is a type of camping trailer that hooks to a truck by attaching to a ball/rod in the bed of a truck, just like an 18-wheeler. Research it and look at some pics if you are still confused. BTW it has nothing to do with how many wheels the trailer/camper has. Good Luck!
fifth wheel refers to the hitch mechanism to the tow vehicle. the 5th wheel looks like a mini version of a semi tractor trailer hitch. a similiar type is called a goose neck, where the hitch platform is usually inside the bed of a pickup truck directly over the rear axle , like a 5th wheel hitch, but has a trailer ball instead of the platform and pin set up.