in boiler or steam plant what does the term carryover means?what is happening on a boiler when it says carryover from a boiler?thank you!
Most boilers are designed to product saturated or super heated steam. That means there is no liquid in the steam. If a boiler is not operated correctly or not designed correctly then it is possible for some of the unvaporized boiler water to carry over into the outlet steam. This water can contain dissolved solids and boiler treatment chemicals. These can accumulate on turbine blades and other unwanted places. In the case of boilers that produce super heated steam, carryover from the steam drum to the super heater tubes can be one of the biggest problems. The deposits from the water form small areas where heat from the boiler firebox can be concentrated. This results in tubes leaks and tube failure. Many boiler manufacturers install special steam separators in the out of the steam drum to help prevent carry over.