It looks like a triangle with the top cut off and a diagonal slash through it, it's frustrating because I can't find an image of it, the logo appears on the back of a lot of Army t-shirts.
I'm assuming of course each pirate is wearing a Pirate' electronic transponder or at least a pirate hat and eye patch, so you wouldn't hit any actually innocent peoplesure. But this is an idiotic question since that can't happen.
I am sure the Somali girlie men have a few surprises coming.
Why are you hating on the pirates? What did Johnny Depp ever do to you?
a pipe wrench and a monkey wrench appear to be the same thing. This, however, is a common misconception that you can get away with sometimes, but which can cause problems other times. Before you begin a job, you need to make sure you have the proper tools prepared, so you're not stuck looking for one when the time comes that you need it.
it would certainly fix the problem short-term but leave us with a bigger problem. people take to the high seas with knives between their teeth because they have no other choice. if these countries weren't so stricken by poverty, famine, collapse of their corrupt regimes and total lack of educational frameworks then their ctizens wouldn't have such a knack for internationally eyebrow-raising crime. also, these are sovereign countries we're talking about. if we just go in and smash them with our navies then wouldn't it make it okay for someone else, let's say russia for argument's sake, if we go into ethiopian waters and 'arrest' all their pirates for illegal activity then why oughtn't russia go into the straight of hormuz and 'arrest' the vast majority of our royal navy for the illegal seige of Iran? i think your suggestion would be around as effective in halting piracy as a blanket ban on Johnny Depp movies. also- fire bomb the poop nice.!