1. What does valve 13Cr&FHF mean? 2, valve WC6 (F11) what does that mean? 3. What does valve P280GH mean? 4. What does valve A335P22 mean?Thank you
The first seems to refer to the material inside the valve, containing Cr of 13% (equivalent to the 1Cr13 of our country), FHF=full face hardThe other refers to the body of the material, the corresponding standard forWC6=ASTM A217 WC6P280GH=EN10222 P280GHA335P22=ASTM A335 P22
1. What does valve 13Cr&FHF mean? 2, valve WC6 (F1113Cr&FHF WC6 body material
May be non-standard label bar, do not understand, A3 should refer to the body, the material is 13Cr.