I'm planning to use a pole saw for tree trimming. The safety instructions, which came with the saw, say to use heavy-duty rubber gloves for protection against vibrations and outdoor hazards. What specific outdoor hazards is the rubber intended to protect against? How thick does the rubber need to be?
Sanding it will make it opaque. But you would be using sandpaper of finer and finer grit, and then use a polishing paste for resins and that would make it clear again. It's a lot of work though. I haven't tried how well some clear coat works on top of resin, but it could make the process easier. The problems with not seeing your object clear may also be related to the exact shape of your sides. If they are not flat but warped you wouldn't see it really clear either. If you look through glass which is really uneven (either old windowglass or glass from a jar) you are not going to be able to see through it very clearly either because light gets refracted a bit different if the glass has different thickness/curvature.
There are no laws that allow you to get out of your lease for that reason, however you may be able to work something out with your landlord. They are a human being and as long as their interests are being looked after, they may work with you. Explain your fears to them. Ask them if it would be possible for you to find a new tenant for them, perhaps forfeit your security deposit or do all the work to get the apartment ready for the next tenant yourself. If it's a painless transition for them they very well may be willing to let you go. If not, think about what might make you feel more comfortable in your home. After our house was broken into, we purchased a safe which held our small valuables (laptops, video games, etc.) when we were out, added inexpensive alarms to the windows and doors, and added motion-detecting lights. Your landlord may even assist with some items, because even the perception of an unsafe environment can lower the value of the units.
I had this problem too when I started to prgram with windows 7. You need to save your file to appdata folder. Within this folder, create another folder for each of your programs you create. This will keep everything neat and tidy. Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.