Conservatives, are you not embarrased that you are so easily fooled?
I knew only one person that bought into that hype. She was a lib. But that's the way you libs are. Look at Al Gorf. He's been running around the country amidst one of the worst winters we have had in a couple of decades and he's still preaching about global warming. When will you libs finally realize that it get HOT when you say global warming not COLD. He had to cancel a conference on global warming due to in-climate weather. It was actually a Snow Storm. What a dork!
What plastic sheets and duct tape? Is this something you city dwellers had to worry about. No worries here in God's country.
weeds don't grow in my flower bed. i delayed for two years upgrading to copper pipes cuz the duct tape stopped my leaks. bought some Exxon stock in the meantime. all this while those idiot conservatives in charge lowered the capital gains tax. yes, i am indeed embarrassed that NOT
Humanist I notice the picture you have up. Have you been able to find any of his art work. I can only find the art work of his mentor. Of course they are not embarrassed these are the same people that believe George Bush Jr is the equal to Jesus.
I made a plastic man, he's got a milk jug for a head. All the left over scraps were recycled. The plastic man keeps the crows out of my tiny herb garden. I had to do something with it since it was never used.