can some oen tell me what firewall is better comodo or zone alarm and why?
Because if they leaved them alone, Hamas will just keep firing rockets at them. It's an ethical dilema that the Israelis have to deal with. If someone is shooting at everyone while a child is being held front of them sometimes you have no choice but to shoot them anyways or more people will be killed.
Fire Extinguisher Ratings Class A Extinguishers will put out fires in ordinary combustibles, such as wood and paper. The numerical rating for this class of fire extinguisher refers to the amount of water the fire extinguisher holds and the amount of fire it will extinguish.Class B Extinguishers should be used on fires involving flammable liquids, such as grease, gasoline, oil, etc. The numerical rating for this class of fire extinguisher states the approximate number of square feet of a flammable liquid fire that a non-expert person can expect to extinguish.Class C Extinguishers are suitable for use on electrically energized fires. This class of fire extinguishers does not have a numerical rating. The presence of the letter “C” indicates that the extinguishing agent is non-conductive.Class D Extinguishers are designed for use on flammable metals and are often specific for the type of metal in question. There is no picture designator for Class D extinguishers. These extinguishers generally have no rating nor are they given a multi-purpose rating for use on other types of fires.
(Red) - Water, used for paper, wood etc (Yellow) - Foam, used on oils, fats, petroleum etc. (Black) - CO2, Can be used on anything, especially useful for electrical fires. (Blue) - Powder, Can also be used on pretty much anything.