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what is a good name for a english three reaserch paper on the author stephen crane?

i am doing a major research paper on the other Stephen Crane and would like to know some suggestions about a name for the title of this essay it is an English 3 assignment. The book that i read is called The Red Badge of Courage. please help!


ADL ( Anti Defamation League) is an unique gadget interior the hand of a minute minority of ZIONIST jews interior the U. S., its considerable objective sell HATE and DEFAMATION at its maximum suitable... its directives are precisely opposite of its call! No ask your self they have sided against the two writers while they uncovered the certainty of the cancerous tentacles of zionism in u.s... the two writers are actually not anti-Semitic for they did no longer convey anti-Semitic racial perspectives, to the alternative they have sided with a Semitic team properly widespread to something of the international and had u.s. First interest of their ideas.. all of us might desire to be militant to brainwashing and the defamation tries via the real enemies of u.s. , Democracy and Human rights! ----------------------------------------... respond to MR_RIEUX i'm astonished to the adequate materials(hyperlinks) adjoined to his help for the ADL , and the avalanche of element to instruct John M. Steve W. incorrect of their paper on the subject of the zionism carry interior the yank politics. i'm specific maximum folk of respondents to the question have comparable thoughts ( via ballot) : mr_rieux you the single which incorrect on your protection to the indefensible, you're instituting political prostitution and intelligence genocide, I propose you spare us the widespread venom of the zionism propaganda you're participating , you and the critics to the writers above are tainting the certainty to get a moronic immoral US president misinform his tooth and take area woth your variety in murders and destructions of civility. that's severe time to freshen up the homestead from Warmongers zionist Neocons.. Sir you're a NEOCON ZIONIST!
It depends on what the paper is about. I could suggest a title such as The Influence of John Locke's Theory of Personal Identity on 'The Red Badge of Courage,' but if your paper is about Crane's portrayal of the military hierarchy instead, that would be an incredibly stupid title. So nobody can really answer your question.

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