what is chemical formula of paper and cloth?
i think that paper is made up of various trees son probably the chemical form of trees. trees are compose of sugars and carbon dioxide. cloth is not organic so it cant be named. i guess sheeps fur maybe
I think you really have to stick with your instincts here and just prove them wrong. As you've already read modern cloth diapers are simply not that muchwork - I use Happy Heinies one size diapers and have found them to be excellent! Lovely and soft on baby's bum, no more blow-outs or leaks than disposables and very easy to care for. You just need to take care what type of detergent you use on them to avoid build up which prevents them being properly absorbant. So good luck with your new baby and prove those 'nay-sayers' wrong!
Daniel T that is a terrible answer. You can't have a chemical/molecular formula of paper since it is primarily composed of wood and glue. The glue would have a chemical formula, but the tree and the paper will have so many different ingredients involved in creating it that it makes more sense to list what paper is composed of rather than the molecular formulas. Cloth depends on what type of cloth you have. Usually cloth is made up of millions of cotton or polyester fibers wound tightly together. Polyester depends on the specific formula that the company uses, here is some info on some polyester formulas
Because something is being moved in 1 and 3 work is being done, but because they are evenly matched in 2 and nothing is moving, even though they are all grunting and heaving, physics will not concede work is being done.