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What is cold press illustration board.?

Cathy Johnson says she uses cold press illustration board for her pen and ink drawings in her book. I have the problem of the ink bleeding on to the paper when I stop the pen. I am using ordinary copy paper. Would illustration board help? Can you purchase it in a pad?


ennelier Carte d' Art is a delightful 340gm (approx 140 lb) paper that is excellent for multiple media use -- it is a nice heavy, firm board at a reasonable price. It comes in pads of various sizes as well. This is my choice for pen and ink and watercolor washes.
hot press is smoother and cold press has more texture. if you are doing a lot of tiny detail go with hot press.
Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery so that you can start with the proper foot. This Realistic Pencil Portrait Mastery eBook is composed by Christopher Sia, a Pencil Picture Drawer and an instructor in this artwork through the entire prior 5 decades Mr. Sia is very comprehensive and you can completely follow along his whole drawing process. ?If you want to see each step in how his sketches are pay, you'll find them. ?There are many excellent ideas and tips on treatment and taking off tough portions like hair. ?The procedure map offer you a birds-eye see of the drawing process and the workouts possess some additional valuable information.
Illustration Board

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