what is food additive? and why do we add them to foods?
You would do better to try to dance on the head of a pin, which is an old saying which means it can't be done. You cannot trust food companies, as their lobbyists have pervaded all levels of the federal government. For example, trans fats are bad for you; the food companies lobbied the FDA (Food Drug Administration) to allow them to state that a product has 0.0 grams trans fats, provided the levels were 0.49 per serving or below. This is a way to hide unhealthy foods. There are many other examples. You cannot trust anything that a food company says or manufactures without performing a great deal of research. If you want safe foods, devoid of additives that we don't really need, do your food shopping at nature or natural stores, which use no pesticides or additives in their foods (although you still have to do some research). The natural stores also will not sell beef injected with growth hormones, etc. Good luck.
they are used to preserve and enhance the flavor of food, such as MSG. some people can't eat it because their bodies have a sensitivity to certain things such as that
A food additive is anything that is added to food that was not there to start with. I used to add lemon juice to my home canned tomatoes as a preservative - that would be considered an additive. Additives are not necessarily chemicals and synthetics as most people think. Something as simple as garlic salt on a steak is an Additive.