what is PVC resin suspension grade?
Yes you are liable. He can be ticked for his infraction but you still have to pay him for the damages. One thing has nothing to do with the other. Most likely he wont get any ticket for the illegal parking since you took no pictures and you failed to call the cops (you should have called even if he didn't want). Besides cops can't ticket if they have no evidence of the infraction. So he will deny it and it will look like you are lying; but again even if he admit it that doesn't solve your problem (still you would have to pay for the damages) so don't waste your time fighting about the hydrant. As for his estimate, let the insurance handle that; the insurance guy is not going to pay him that kind of money if they think is a bogus claim.
He was parked illegally, but she still did damage to the car. No one can prove now, after the fact, where exactly he was parked at the time the damage was done. But he can't simply present you with one bogus estimate and expect you to pay that amount either. Most insurance companies require three and the lowest estimate is the one accepted. I would still follow through with the police report, but I'm afraid your sister is still liable for the repairs to his car.
If you own your home, you might want to consider a awning over the large window of your room. Buy wooden blinds. They can be white or natural. Hang some insulated drapes with white lining. Anything dark will fade and will draw the heat. Now install a ceiling fan. Don't choose one that is mounted close to the ceiling because they are not as efficient. I think this will help. If this doesn't help, call a window and glass company. There is glass that repels the sunlight and heat but in the winter time the sunlight and heat from the sun is welcomed. Jo Ann
actually it depends on the state you are in.. consult an attorney some states have a condition known as prior fault.. meaning if you are committing an illegal act anything that happens during that act you are liable for in this case he was illegally parked.. had he NOT been illegally parked you wouldn't have hit him as such he may well be liable for damages to your sisters car.. i would start by calling and getting HIS insurance information and filing a claim on him
The question was. did HE file a police report? If so you should go and amend the report with YOUR version. If not you should file one of your own. $1200 is a lot of money but really not much in the world of auto body repair. It might just total an 89 Buick. The issue of it being in front of the hydrant is not germain to your situation if you hit his car. Sorry. BTW- I do not know of of a deductible for liability. It should not cost you anything out of pocket. They will get it on higher premiums later.