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What is stored on an android phone's SD card?

My LG android phone's camera and camcorder state that I need to mount my SD card, although I have no photos or videos in my media folder. I cannot take any pictures or make videos, although I was able to before. Can anyone advise me if there is something I can do? Also, what all is stored on the SD card? If I erase the SD card, will I lose my contacts that are stored on my phone?


The first thing you need to do is read your rental agreement. My understanding is that the law mandates that the landlord install the detectors, but it is the tenant's responsibility to check and change the batteries. The only exception I know of is when landlords rent primarily to senior citizens or disabled people who are physically/mentally incapable of checking the alarms themselves. California landlord/tenant law (like that in every other state) restricts a landlord's access to the premises once it is rented and battery-powered alarms are subject to being tampered with by the tenants who often deliberately disable them. I've even had tenants who ripped out hard-wired alarms because they went off when someone burned the pizza. Former California landlord, former manager of low rent housing development.
If you are parking in entrance of a fireplace Hydrant the Virginia Parking code implies in entrance of or 15' in both path. As a consequence, parking behind a hearth hydrant is flawlessly authorized. If the Code meant 15' 360 levels or in all instructions it would say it. The 15' rule or 10' in some states is as a result of the size of the fireplace trucks. So, from the core, the hearth hydrant 15' left and 15' correct leaves a 30' area.

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