I am thinking of buying a crate engine and the cam options I have Hardened Steel Billet Hydraulic, Roller or Solid cam. I want one that is low maintenance with maximum proformance. This is going to be a weekend warrior show truck. I am learning as I go with this project.
One or more may be a Carbon Monoxide detector type. During the night your heater is running more. Hence, you may be getting a buildup of CO gasses. Don't let this one wait. Find out for sure. Your life may hang in the balance. Hope this helps. 'av'a g'day mate. )
When two black holes meet they generally orbit around each other like twin star solar systems gradually drawing closer and closer together. During this process powerful gravitational waves are thought to shake the very fabric of space-time itself. The waves have not yet been observed, but researchers have been trying to simulate the process on computers in order to predict the expected signal. The signals, called waveforms, are shaped by factors such as the frequency at which the two black holes orbit each other, their relative masses and their spins. In the most current simulations (see my first source) black holes of equal mass that orbited each other between 1.5 and 4.5 times before merging. For black holes about 500,000 times the mass of the Sun, this final death spiral is expected to take just an hour or so. Most astronomers believe that these collisions though rare are part of the life cycle and escalation of black holes: Stellar-mass black holes collide to form intermediate mass black holes Intermediate black holes collide to form super-massive black holes Super-massive black holes are thought to be at the centers of most galaxies including our own. When two super-massive black holes collide the effects are less predictable. When galaxies collide the super-massive black holes at their centers must inevitably perform a Death Dance where recent models suggest one of two things will happen: 1) The two black holes will combine. 2) One of the black holes will be jettisoned out of the galaxy at an incredible velocity. Fun question.
I don't think people hate him, but he's not very good. *** Correction*** He made 2 good movies - The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable. But I rate him overall by looking at his entire body of work. I thought he made The Others, thanks for pointing out that he didn't. So his hit-to-miss ratio is even worse than I thought. ***** Signs was bad, and his films after that sucked HORRIBLY! I agree that he's got big ideas, but his later works don't effectively communicate them to an audience. He gets so caught up in his underlying message that he blows the basics. Being a good director involves not screwing up little things, and not having ridiculous plot holes so large that the whole movie is trashed. Box-office receipts do NOT the measure the quality of a film, just it's commerical success. The Happening is a classic case-in-point. Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace made tons of money, but was awful, especially compared to the original trilogy. Men in Black 2 was terrible. Plenty of crappy horror movies and lousy comedies with a big star have made money.